Aus Net8455 1

Benefits for all Victorians including lower electricity prices, improved energy security and increased economic activity.

Our commitment to western Victoria

It’s important that regional communities benefit from hosting the infrastructure that delivers the energy transition. The project will provide a range of benefits for all Victorians including putting downward pressure on power bills, improving energy security and increasing economic activity in the region.  

In western Victoria, we will continue to engage with the local community to determine a range of social value programs which address key social, economic and environmental needs in the region. Planned programs include a community fund, training and skills development programs and building energy resilience by providing support to facilitate community energy projects. 

Local jobs, local goods and services

We will be seeking the services of a range of businesses and industries to develop this project. Services and resources required will include materials and equipment supply, general trades, construction, administration, catering and accommodation, plus many more.

As part of the project’s commitment to supporting local communities and businesses, we are pleased to announce that we have launched an online Local business register.

Further information on work packages will become available once the Environment Effects Statement process and planning decision is finalised. We are partnering with Industry Capability Network Victoria to ensure we engage with relevant local suppliers.

Local business register

We welcome local businesses, social enterprises, and institutional providers to express their interest below via our Local Business Register Form. All applications will be considered and are strictly confidential.

Please refer to the Suppliers page on AusNet’s website for more information.

Register your interest

Job opportunities

Building the Western Renewables Link is estimated to generate around 650 full-time construction jobs, with more expected at the height of construction. More than 1,000 indirect jobs are forecast to be created as a result of building the transmission line.

There will also be flow-on economic and employment benefits, as the project brings demand for local and regional business goods and services such as electricians, transport operators, concrete suppliers, civil works, accommodation and hospitality.

View our Real Careers - Jobs for bright futures guide to learn more about current and upcoming opportunities.

Our delivery partners, contractors, and their subcontractors will directly employ workers. Information on work packages will become available once the Environment Effects Statement process and planning decision is finalised. We are partnering with Industry Capability Network Victoria to ensure we engage with suppliers.

Indigenous engagement

We recognise the role of each Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP) in the management, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage on Country, cultural awareness and land access. We are also talking with each RAP along the Western Renewables Link footprint to understand the benefits and project outcomes that would be meaningful to each RAP and their communities.

AusNet has specified employment of workers and purchasing from the five RAPs as a priority in the Western Renewables Link Social Procurement Guidelines.

We will continue to work in partnership with the recognised RAPs of the Wotjobaluk Nations, Eastern Maar, Djarra (Dja Dja Wurrung) Wadawurrung and Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Traditional Owners Corporations, and First Peoples – State Relations to deliver the project.

Our vision is for the transmission lines and associated infrastructure, once constructed and operational, to be on Country that is in good condition and actively managed to protect the values, and promote the laws, culture and rights of each of the Traditional Owner groups.

Community energy

We are working with local community groups from the project area who want to introduce renewables or innovative energy initiatives such as solar, batteries, microgrids, Virtual Power Plants and electric vehicle infrastructure to build energy resilience and put downward pressure on power bills. We can use our technical experience and industry knowledge to assist through in-kind support.

If you are a community in the project area and are thinking about a Community Energy Project, you can find out more about the in-kind support available, by contacting the project team on 1800 WRL WRL (975 975) or