Aus Net Consultation4

We currently work alongside many businesses, farmers and communities across the state.

Community and stakeholder engagement is vital to the success of this project.

Our engagement activities are designed to provide opportunities for you to have a say in the development of the project and contribute to the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process.

We use a range of communication tools to keep everyone up to date including the project website, the online engagement room, regular eUpdates, advertisements in local papers and radio stations, webinars and community information sessions as well as phone calls and face-to-face conversations with landholders and stakeholders. To find out more about upcoming events, visit our News & Events page. We also established a Community Consultation Group and follow the Essential Services Commission's Land Access Code of Practice.

Engagement approach

The EES Consultation Plan provides an overview of the guiding principles and objectives of the project engagement program, identifies key stakeholders and provides an overview of planned engagement activities and timeframes until the completion of the project. In addition, the plan outlines how your feedback will be used to inform the project.

We also produce Community Engagement Summary Reports that outline the engagement undertaken by the project team over set periods of time and the key issues and concerns raised with us by local communities and landholders.


We understand that the project has raised concerns particularly for landholders in the proposed route.

We remain committed to working closely with you to minimise interruptions to your lifestyle, property and business or farming operations throughout the development of this project.

We recognise that the requirements of each property and landholder are unique, and that issues such as land access, easements and compensation are extremely important. 

This is why we have developed a set of landholder specific guides including:

Neighbouring landholders

We recognise that landholders near the proposed Western Renewables Link transmission line have questions about the project, including how the proposed route has been selected, and how feedback is being used.

If you are a neighbouring landholder, we would like to hear from you. Visit our dedicated webpage to register your details so we can contact you and share more information on:

  • Opportunities to talk to us about the project.
  • The proximity of your property to the proposed route using our online map.
  • Proposed benefits for significantly impacted neighbours.
  • Government approvals and the Environment Effects Statement.

Visit the webpage

Farming with the
Western Renewables Link

Many farms currently operate under the 6,500 kilometres of existing transmission lines across Victoria.

Visit our dedicated page about farming with transmission lines.

Learn more

Visit our online engagement room

Take a virtual walk around our online engagement room to explore information about the project’s benefits, timelines, the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process and an interactive map of the proposed route.

The engagement room expands on the project’s comprehensive community engagement initiatives and activities that includes community drop-in sessions, online webinars and stakeholder briefings.

Visit online engagement room


The Western Renewables Link hosts webinars for the community to ask questions about the project. Hear from experienced specialists with a working knowledge of this project and the planning and approvals process.

All webinars are recorded and available in the Resources section.

Upcoming webinars will be promoted via eUpdates, advertising and in the Events section on our website.

Essential Services Commission Land Access Code of Practice

The Essential Services Commission (ESC) has developed a Land Access Code of Practice (Code of Practice), which came into effect on 1 March 2024.

ESC’s Code of Practice governs procedures for electricity transmission companies, such as AusNet, to follow when seeking access to private land under the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (Vic) (Act). The purpose of the Code of Practice is to mandate specific requirements to be followed before, during and after land access under section 93 of the Act to improve communication with landholders, occupiers and other key stakeholders and to minimise impact. It also regulates the information electricity transmission companies must provide prior to signing a Land Access Consent form.

We are committed to complying with the Code of Practice and we want to assure you that our engagement approach and processes for land access align with the requirements set out by ESC in the Code of Practice.

More information on our land access procedures and protocols can be found in our Landholder Guide: Land access for field surveys and investigations.

A full copy of the Code of Practice can be found on the Essential Services Commission website.

Easements & compensation


An easement is a right held by one person to access, occupy and/or use part of the land owned by another person, for a particular purpose. The easement terms outline what the easement holder and the landholder can and can’t do in the easement area.

Transmission line easements are needed to protect public safety and provide access to infrastructure to help maintain a reliable transmission network. Transmission line easement terms ensure that only activities that are compatible and safe can occur within the easement area. In regard to network reliability, the easement allows AusNet to efficiently access its infrastructure to maintain it and ensure it is operating as it should, including in emergencies.

Our new Landholder Guide: Easement safety and permitted activities provides information on activities allowed within an easement, safety clearances and assessments, permits and guidelines.


Compensation will be paid to landholders where an easement is acquired over their property. All other parties holding an interest in the land on which the easement is located, who suffer loss due to the establishment of the easement or construction activity, will also be considered as part of the compensation process.

The Landholder Guide: Option for Easement process and compensation provides comprehensive information including the process for easement acquisition through a voluntary Option for Easement proposal, the payments landholder will be entitled to, and how compensation is assessed.

Traditional Owners

AusNet acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands on which the proposed Western Renewables Link will operate, and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.

We recognise the role of each Registered Aboriginal Party in the management, protection, and promotion of cultural heritage on Country, cultural awareness and land access.

An important part of the technical investigations currently underway for the Environment Effects Statement is the identification of any Aboriginal cultural heritage present within the project area.

We are working closely with the Registered Aboriginal Parties across the project area to prepare Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs). The CHMPs outline the measures to be taken before, during and after the construction of the proposed project to manage and protect Aboriginal cultural heritage.

We encourage you to learn more about the Traditional Owners and their long and deep connection to Country by visiting the websites of the Registered Aboriginal Parties across the project area.

View Indigenous engagement

Community Consultation Group

The Community Consultation Group was established in April 2021. The group provides an opportunity for discussion between the project team, landholders, local community organisations, local government, and other members of the communities along the proposed project.

You can read the terms of reference and meeting minutes on the Resource page.

Community support services

AusNet acknowledges the uncertainty and concern around the Western Renewables Link, particularly for potentially affected landholders and communities.

We encourage anyone struggling with challenges to their own, a friend or a family member’s mental health and wellbeing, to contact one of the independent support providers listed below for free and confidential advice.

Complaints & feedback

AusNet views each complaint as an improvement opportunity, and we will do our best to resolve the issue to your satisfaction.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within two working days. Our aim is to resolve your complaint within ten working days. 

Where we cannot reach a resolution within ten working days, we will keep you informed of the progress being made with handling your complaint and provide you with a revised timeframe for resolving your complaint. 

Landholders may wish to lodge a complaint or feedback directly with their dedicated Land Liaison Officer.

If you have a query, a compliment or a complaint, you can contact us by:


    PO Box 638, Ballarat VIC 3353

    If you are not satisfied with the outcome after you have made a complaint to the project team, you may:

      • Pursue dispute resolution through the Energy & Water Ombudsman of Victoria (EWOV) if the complaint relates to access or proposed access to private land under section 93 (1) of the Electricity Industry Act 2000 (Vic), or compliance with the Land Access Code of Practice.

      EWOV can be contacted by:

      Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria
      Phone: 1800 500 509