AusNet to conduct flyover inspections - BATS to BETS and BATS to HOTS lines

AusNet will be conducting inspections along the Ballarat to Bendigo (BATS to BETS) and Ballarat to Horsham (BATS to HOTS) transmission lines between Monday 11 September to Monday 25 September.

A helicopter will fly over the two transmission lines for one day each within the given timeframe, subject to suitable flying conditions.

The inspections are not part of the Western Renewables Link project, however we wish to inform landholders within our proposed project area of the upcoming flyovers.

The yearly inspection program ensures AusNet’s transmission lines and easements are in good working condition to maintain a safe and reliable network. All inspections need to be completed prior to bushfire season, which can begin as early as October.

You may see our helicopter assessing the two transmission lines. If you have registered for SMS or email updates with the Western Renewables Link project, we’ll let you know the day before the inspection happens.

If you would like to register for future Western Renewables Link SMS notifications, please contact us via 1300 360 795 or

AusNet own and maintain the transmission towers and lines that supply electricity across Victoria. Under the Electrical Safety Act 1998, we must inspect the transmission lines, easements, access tracks and gates to:

  • make sure they’re in safe working condition
  • check the condition of tower bases and powerlines
  • find and address defects or problems
  • make sure access tracks and gates are maintained and allow safe and clear access to the transmission lines
  • confirm trees and vegetation on the easements are not overgrown and are a safe distance away from the powerlines.

For more information, visit