We're listening to your feedback

Thank you to everyone who has contacted us and provided feedback via our website so far.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted us and provided feedback via our website so far. We’ve had over 600 pins placed on our interactive map which is helping us to understand more about what is important to you in your local area.

We’ve updated our website with more information, including:

Feedback on the project area of interest

The project area of interest is a broad geographical area which we are currently investigating to understand existing constraints and opportunities to help identify the preferred project corridor.

If you haven’t already, please visit our interactive map which shows the project area of interest. Drop a pin on the map to highlight places that you know are unique, special or valued in your area.

The route and location of the new infrastructure, including transmission line towers and a terminal station, will consider the community feedback and detailed environmental assessments occurring now until mid-2021.

For more information, read our fact sheet on out how a final project route will be determined.

Investing in a clean energy future

Western Victoria is emerging as an important renewable energy generation region. The current energy transmission network needs upgrading to share this renewable energy with all Victorians.

The Western Victoria Transmission Network Project will add a new link to the network making this possible. The project will involve major economic investment in western Victoria, creating new jobs during and after construction, as well as support Victoria's move towards a cleaner energy future.

Read more about why this project is needed and the benefits it will bring to Victoria.